Garlic (Allium sativum)
A member of the lily family, Garlic is the same genus (Allium) as onion. The latin translation of Allium means "hot" or "burning," and the word "garlic" translates to "spear plant." This refers to the leaves of the garlic plant that have a spearlike shape.
Plant Properties
Raw garlic cloves contain a high amount of a sulfur-containing compound called allin, as well as the enzyme alliinase. When raw garlic is chewed or crushed, the allliin comes into contact with the alliinase enzyme, which forms the compound allicin (it's medicinal property). When alliinase is heated, however, it becomes inactive. So, if you cook it is won't be nearly so therapeutic as it is in it's raw state. Garlic also contains amino acids, vitamins, and minerals such as selenium and germanium.
Clinical Uses
• Antimicrobial Effects
Garlic has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity against viruses, bacteria, fungi and worms. Garlic seems to work best in building immunity and preventing infections, rather than treating acute conditions ― with the exception of respiratory tract infections like bronchitis, and pneumonia.
Animals who have immune suppressive conditions, are at serious risk of developing secondary infections from many different organisms. Garlic is one natural option that can help with protection from these infectious agents.
• Heart Disease
Inhibits platelet aggregation (blood clotting). Long-term use of garlic helps to protect the elasticity of arteries. Lowers blood pressure.
• Cancer
Garlic's sulfur compounds are key in preventing some cancers by helping to control carcinogens (cancer-causing substances).
• Systemic Toxicity
Garlic is one of the best foods and supplements to use to promote detoxification. The high sulfur content helps the liver to detoxify various substances so that they can be metabolized and excreted from the body.
• Ear Infections / Ear Mites
• Garlic oil can used to treat ear infection and ear mites.
Garlic Is A Hot Little Number!
Although there is no known toxicity in it's natural state caution should be used with regard to safety and effectiveness when choosing a garlic preparation to give to dogs.
In a scientific study the effects of garlic products, including dehydrated raw garlic powder, dehydrated boiled garlic powder and aged garlic extract, on the gastric mucosa of dogs were determined using three commonly sold preparations, raw capsule garlic powder caused severe mucosal damage, including erosion. Boiled garlic powder also caused inflammation and reddening of the mucosa, whereas aged garlic powder did not cause any undesirable effects. Among the garlic preparations, Aged Garlic Extract could be the most suitable form, particularly for long-term use. Aging in particular may be the most effective method to eliminate the toxic effects of raw garlic. When supplementing pets we recommend using, "Kyolic" Aged Garlic Extract.
The safety of enteric-coated garlic products was also studied. Direct administration of pulverized enteric-coated products on the gastric mucosa caused reddening of the mucosa in test animals (dogs). When an enteric-coated tablet was administered orally, it caused loss of epithelial cells at the top of crypts in the ileum in the intestinal tract. Enteric-coated garlic products by pass the stomach and deliver garlic directly into the intestine, which is not a traditional route for garlic intake in any species!
Historic use of garlic as a condiment and herb has always been via oral ingestion and not via direct delivery into the stomach or intestines, in the form of a concentrated, standardized surprise! The safety of such delivery systems for garlic is unknown not to mention unnatural!
Contraindications of Use
• The use of garlic is contraindicated in animals who are anemic. Research indicates that garlic causes a type of anemia in animals, especially in cats. Even in healthy subjects it is a good idea to dose in moderation.
• Garlic does have natural blood-thinning effects, so if your pet is on blood-thinning prescription drugs, or if your animal needs surgery garlic should not be used.
• The use of garlic should also be temporarily avoided in bitches or mares who are nursing young. Garlic can change the taste and smell of the mother's milk. It can also contribute to colic because it passes from breast milk into the baby's intestinal system.
How To Give Garlic To Dogs
For safety, we recommend using an odor-free, aged extract, such as the brand ‣ "Kayolic Aged Garlic Extract."
Small dogs get 1/2 capsule Aged Extract daily, with the dosage increasing with the pet's size, ranging up to 2 capsules given in a split dose, depending on the dogs weight. Or, you can add 1/2 to 1 small minced/pressed clove daily mixed into a meal.
We invite you to visit the Pet Remedy Charts website.
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