The marketing industry knows that color affects mood and uses it strategically in advertising and packaging to increase sales. The restaurant industry caught on long ago when they started decorating walls in vibrant colors and upholstering booths in bright reds and oranges. Festive colors stimulate people, which makes them want to eat more quickly and that means a higher turn over in customer seating.
Clinical Effectiveness
Every substance on earth contains color. Even the rays cast on earth by celestial bodies contain color in the form of white light. The rays of the sun contain seven different colors violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. These are natural colors which are highly beneficial to the maintenance of health and for healing disease.
Sunlight is the principal curative agent in nature’s laboratory and where light cannot enter, disease will. Anemia, cancer, emaciation, muscular debility, degeneration of heart and liver, edema, softening of bones, nervous excitability, physical deformity, stunted growth and respiratory problems can result from the lack of the beneficial effects of suns light.
Light and color therapy can also be used to enhance the healing capabilities of animals.
If animals cannot see all colors, how can we use colors to treat them?
We know that dogs see Violet, Indigo, Blue, Yellow and Red, including various shades of these colors. Green, Yellow and Orange are too similar to dogs for them to tell them apart. Cats see Purple, Blue, Green and Yellow. Red, Orange and Brown appear as shades of Grey or Purple. Still, color therapy has been successfully used in dogs, cats and horses, as well as pocket pets and birds.
What we need to remember is that each color has a specific wavelength and frequency. The body absorbs light in this energetic form, regardless of what the eyes see. So, Red at a wavelength of 780 to 622nm or a frequency of 384 to 483 THz (depending on the shade) has a different effect on the body than the color Blue at 492 to 455 nm or 610 to 659 THz (Tera hz). Color healing or light therapy works on all bodies due to their response to these differences in light frequencies.
The Energetic Color wheel

Calming colors such as greens and blues can be left in the cage of an animal in the form of colored blankets or towels. It can even help without special lighting.
The action and effect of various colors and their healing qualities:

Methods and Instructions
Charged Water Method
In this method, colored glass bottles are used. These bottles should be sterilized and filled to three-fourths full with distilled water. The bottles should be capped or corked and then placed in bright sunlight for three to four hours. After this exposure, the water is said to acquire medicinal properties and this color-charged water can be used in both internal and external applications. Externally, wounds and ulcers can be washed with the treated water and it can also be used to massage the affected parts or it can be applied as a compress.
Internal Dosage Suggestions for Pets, any animal can be given from 1 to 30 ml (depending on size). Tiny animals 1 ml., small cats or dogs, 5 ml, Medium dogs 10 ml, Large dogs 15 ml and Giant breeds or horses 30 ml. of colored-charged water as a single dose. The dose can be repeated as necessary. Human doses can be broken down the same way. The adult dose for a human would be 30 ml.
Direct Light Method
The easiest way to achieve the effect is by using naturally dyed silk cloth, colored pieces of glass, cellophane or translucent vellum (from an art supply store). Put the colored material of choice in front of a 25-40 Watt bulb or flashlight. For use in rehabilitation the animal can receive whole body tonation. Or the light may be focused directly on the affected parts (using the beam from a strong flash light). For therapeutic benefit, light therapy treatments should last 30 to 60 minutes.
There are some important contraindications to color treatment which should be kept in mind while using this method of healing. For instance, the red color would be injurious in inflammatory conditions, and in cases of fever and excitable temperament. If the red light is employed for too long and frequently, it may produce fevers. The danger can be eliminated by only using the red light for a few minutes at a time or by placing a wet compress over the head, neck or belly region.
Similarly, yellow should not be used when an animal is nervous or irritable. Yellow and orange or reddish tones should not be used during fevers, acute inflammations, diarrhea, neuralgia, palpitation of the heart and any condition of an over excited system.
In cases of paralysis, chronic rheumatism, respiratory disorders and in all cold, pale and dormant conditions of the system, blue, indigo and violet many prove to be too cooling and stagnating and should be avoided in these conditions.
Color Therapy also Plays a Roll In Diet
A balanced diet is essential during any treatment of disease. The patient should be given food items with analogous coloring.
The various colors contained in different food items are:
Red: Beets, tomatoes, watercress, most red-skinned, fruits, red berries and water melon.
Orange: Orange-skinned vegetables and fruits such as carrot, apricot, mango, peach and papaya.
Violet: Dark berries
Yellow: Yellow squash, pumpkin, melon, banana, mango, yellow apple.
Purple: Foods having both blue and violet coloring.
Green: Most of the green vegetables and fruits such as gourds, spinach, plantain, romaine lettuce, pea, green mango, gooseberry, pears, beans.
Blue: Blue plum, blue beans, berries.
Special Note: It is extremely important when treating any animal to maintain positive energy and a gentle approach. All beings, especially wild or injured animals or companion animals that are afraid and out of their element, sense their surroundings. Being mindful to be calm and quiet when tending to these patients, this will decrease their anxiety and encourage faster healing on their part. Make their habitat an area of safety where the animal does not constantly feel exposed and learn about the habits of individual species to further decrease stress and increase their comfort level as they heal.
For more natural healthcare we invite you visit our website Pet Remedy Charts
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