Monday, January 10, 2011

Homeopathy in Veterinary Dentistry

Natural Treatments for Dental Abscesses in Pets

In homeopathic treatment of dental abscesses where the animal presents significant facial swelling, the remedy Myristica 30c should be given immediately, followed by a further dose after about 30 minutes, and a subsequent dose one hour later. This will generally reduce the swelling and discomfort, and an incision may be avoided.

Thereafter, Hepar sulph. 6c should be given three times daily, until such time as the tooth may be extracted. Hepar sulph., given in the potency of 6c is the most successful treatment for the subacute and chronic dental abscess. Higher potencies, such as 30c, should NOT be given, since they tend to discourage proper drainage (the retention of pus prolongs the pain or discomfort, and may produce systemic disturbances). Although it is not advisable but sometimes unavoidable such a prescription may indeed be pursued for many months. Where facial swelling is not a dominate feature, Hepar sulph. 6c, may be given from the onset of treatment.

Occasionally, however, other remedies will be required in some animal cases. Belladonna 30c to 200c every hour or two should be considered if the dog, cat or horse is emitting heat from the head, and shows signs of severe throbbing pain.

Consider using Mercurius solubilis 30c three times daily, for cases with gross halitosis and excessive salivation and drooling.

Where the animal is feverish, give Pyrogen 30c three times daily, for a few days, in addition to, any of the selected remedies mentioned above. When alternating remedies, such as Belladonna and Pyrogen give the remedies separately and dose them at least 1 hour apart.

For complete dosing instructions and a step-by-step guide to confidently using veterinary homeopathy to treat your pets at home, we recommend using Pet Remedy Charts, Homeopathy to the Rescue for dogs, cats, horses or birds. Using 'safe, side effect free', homeopathic medicines you can treat almost any acute symptom of any disease! The chart is easy to use, simple to understand, economical and recommended by holistic veterinarians. It is the same chart that is applied in colleges of natural healing as part of their veterinary teaching curriculum.

Recommended Reading: For professionals or serious students - This is the gold standard in books for Veterinary Homeopathy. 'Fast Forward to the Cure Pro-Version, 2.0', is a digital publication in PDF format that you can download and start using now. Learn advanced veterinary homeopathy, LM dosing techniques and the methods of 'Dynamic Dosing' for animals which can speed a pets healing time by 1/4 to 1/2 or more! Veterinary Medica, Therapeutic Repertories, printable Case Taking Forms, Observation Sheets and full color Anatomy Charts for dogs, cats horses and birds are included in 14 Chapters and 872 pages. To see complete details and excerpts from the book CLICK HERE.

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